Welcome to my Gallery

It has been my dream to own a little gallery, where people flock to view, experience and immerse one self in art. Today, it has become a digital reality. Welcome my gallery, stay a while, enjoy the pieces, buy some and adorn your space. I have taken inspiration from mother earth, nature, places I visited.


Featured Work

 The Ocean: Tranquility & Serenity

“In the tranquil embrace of the ocean’s sway,

The mind finds solace, as worries drift away.

Gently guided, it enters a realm serene,

Where meditative whispers dance in between.”

While the beach, birds and the sun in the artwork stand for freedom and liberation; the hues in the sky symbolize the complexities of life. They remind us of the ever-changing nature of human experiences with time.

Acrylic on Canvas, 2023


Peonies: (Hope & New Beginnings)

Fragrant Peonies symbolize hope and new beginnings. Peonies are depicted here for a reason. The ability of peonies to withstand harsh winters and emerge in spring with renewed vitality serves as a constant reminder that even in the face of adversity, there is always the potential for growth and new beginnings.

Acrylic on Canvas, 2023

Sailboats: Balance & Harmony 

“Sailboats dance with grace,  

Wind Whispers through billowed sails,  

The Ocean’s dance unfolds.”  

Sailing requires finding a balance between the power of the wind, the forces of the sea, and the control exerted by the sailor. Similarly, humans  strive to find balance and harmony in their lives while tackling professional and personal well-being.

Acrylic on Canvas, 2023

Antelope Canyon
Antelope Canyon: Sublimity & Connuity

A national treasure, the striking landscape, colorful layers of deep gorges & towering cliffs captivates visitors with its sheer  beauty. See a mesmerizing display of colors, particularly during sunrise & sunset. It symbolizes the cycles of  creation, erosion, and the enduring nature of the Earth.

Acrylic on Canvas, 2023

$ 325.00 

Lotus Pond at dawn
Lotus Pond: Resilience & Renewal

“Lotus blooms serene,  

Rising from muddy waters,  

Beauty finds its way.”  

Even if they grow in muddy or murky waters, lotuses emerge from the depths each day to bloom with pristine beauty. This ability to withstand  unfavorable conditions and still be vibrant symbolizes resilience. Moreover, the ability of a lotus plant to regenerate and grow anew, even when  badly damaged, symbolizes renewal and regrowth. 

Acrylic on Canvas, 2023

$ 580.00 

Grand Prismatic Springs, Yellowstone
Grand Prismatic Springs
at Yellowstone Naonal Park: Raw Power

Yellowstone’s hot springs are a perfect reminder of the raw power of nature. The steam rising from the hot springs creates an otherworldly  atmosphere, and the colors are truly mesmerizing, ranging from vivid blues and greens to fiery oranges and yellows. They are also a gentle reminder  to the delicate and sensitive nature of our ecosystems. 

Acrylic on Canvas, 2023


Aurora Borealis: Harmony & Balance

The vibrant colors, flowing lines to capture the ethereal and mesmerizing nature of the Northern Lights. This representaon aims to evoke the awe  and beauty associated with the breathtaking natural spectacle that the Northern Lights usually is. The composion of the painng, with the  ethereal northern lights above the snowy hills and evergreen trees symbolize harmony and balance. It represents the interconnectedness of various  elements in nature and the delicate equilibrium. 

Oil on Canvas, 2023

$ 865.00

Anmerican Bald eagle
The Bald Eagle – Invincibility & Survival

Once the eagle sets eyes on its prey, it never lets it go. It quickly swoops down and gets hold of it. It shows no mercy. Though predator and prey are  part of the survival game; from a human perspective, witnessing the hunt can evoke the emotion of fear. The eye of the eagle shows sheer focus  and an aura of invincibility. This subtly conveys the raw reality of the world where cruelty and survival dance in a macabre symphony. 

Oil on Canvas, 2023

$ 500.00


Aurora, IL

